Inclusion including SEND

Vision and aims

The vision of the Inclusion department directly supports Dunraven school’s aim of ‘Excellence for All’: we work to make it possible for every student at Dunraven to participate in mainstream education and to secure strong academic and personal outcomes.

The direct and indirect support we provide focuses on enabling individual students to learn effectively with greater independence. We recognise that some students need this additional support also if they are to integrate with their mainstream peers and to manage the transitions that lead towards becoming independent adults. So we aim to offer a holistic approach within which academic progress and achievement can be sustained. We support the students’ understanding of what they need if they are to lead a healthy and safe life, their appreciation of the personal and shared values that foster a sense of fulfilment, and increase their experiences of positive engagement with others that promote a shared sense of inclusion and participation within their school and the wider community.

The Inclusion Department comprises a team of specialists who uphold distinct professional values and perspectives.  Our vision is to collaborate with mutual respect to deploy our combined expertise to benefit the inclusion of the students.  We value positive communication with one another and the students and work to cultivate this. We are committed to the development of our professional abilities and to sharing our knowledge and values with the wider staff group in the school and with the students, parents, carers and other agencies with which we work.


Department Structure


There are 5 strands of the Student Engagement Department (SED):

Student Engagement Team 

This team is made up of Learning Mentors that support students with emotional and social difficulties that impact on their behaviour. The support is provided in 1-1 or group sessions and focus on self concept, managing emotions, organisation, social skills, looking ahead and growth mindset. Mentees are responsible for putting together and action plan while engaging in a solution focussed programme. Learning Mentors are also responsible for facilitating Restorative Justice sessions to help resolve conflicts between students.


Referral Centre 

Attendance & Punctuality 

The Education Attendance Officer contributes to raising achievement by improving school attendance and punctuality across the whole school age range. Promotion of excellent attendance, reduction of levels of absence and working closely with students and families to promote high levels of attendance are key factors.

The Base 

The Base caters for six main groups of students:

  • Students who may otherwise be permanently excluded and are full-time in The Base
  • Students who have missed a great deal of school due to illness or other circumstance and need an alternative and reduced curriculum offer at GCSE
  • Students who attend college for part of the week and therefore have particular timetabling needs
  • Students who have attended off-site placements due to behavioural issues and are being reintegrated into Dunraven
  • Students who are out of particular lessons either permanently or with the aim of reintegration
  • Students who may temporarily require additional support emotionally or socially

There is a strong focus on academic learning in a small, supportive environment where attention to individual needs, educationally, socially and emotionally can be flexible and highly specific.

The climate is personal and positive, establishing routine and fostering trust with students and parents/carers.  Expectations are very high. The Base is there to ensure that students are able to overcome their personal obstacles and achieve or exceed their targets. Being confident and independent enough to find an appropriate path forward is an important part of this.

  • Alternative Provision 


Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Department

The SEND department supports the students with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). This support will be individual to the student, reviewed regularly with parents/carers. 

The SENCO is responsible for the strategic co-ordination of the day to day provision of education for students with SEND. She is responsible for the management of the team of Learning Support Teachers (LST) and Assistants (LSA). There is an LST for each year group in KS3, 4 & 5. They co-ordinate and lead a team of LSAs. The LST is the expert on their cohort of SEND students and their varying needs. LSTs are also the first point of contact in the Inclusion Department for discussions about SEND students. 


Speech Language & Communication Centre

The Speech and Language Therapy Team

"Communication is key to many of the things we want for ourselves and our children. It underpins everything we do and helps us live life to the full.

It's fundamental to children's development; children need to be able to understand and be understood; it's the foundation of relationships and is essential for learning, play and social interaction." The Communication Trust (2014)

We know that 1 in 10 young people have difficulties in speech language and communication needs (SLCN) which significantly affect their ability to learn and join in at school. Our vision is that all students with SLCN will achieve secure positive academic and social outcomes through integrated SEN provision. 

At Dunraven we provide school-wide, easily-accessed support for speech, language and communication needs. Our speech, language and communication centre also provides enhanced support, working intensively with those who will benefit most.

Student feedback:

I am realising who I am now; I am not scared of being who I am...the first time of being myself was with you guys...

Dunraven School has a dedicated team who are specialists in supporting children and young adults with speech, language and communication needs. This team includes Specialist Advisory Teacher, Specialist Learning Support Assistants, and Speech and Language Therapists.



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