A Level Results 2024

Posted on: 15 Aug 2024

We are very proud of our Year 13 students on an excellent set of examination results. 


Thursday 15 August was a very happy day with many stories of individual success. Whilst it is always unfair to single out individuals when the overall picture is so positive, we would like to highlight students such as  Aisha Daud, Lucas Kent and Nasteha Malen all of whom achieved only A* grades in their A-Levels. Aisha should also be congratulated, with Fatmata Fofanah who will be reading Medicine at University College London. The list goes on and we are conscious that it would be possible to choose a huge range of names to mention. Half of all Dunraven students who choose to apply to university have  progressed to prestigious Russell Group institutions.


Our students’ success can perhaps best be felt in their seriously impressive destinations. We are delighted to see Dunraven students progress to a range of highly competitive institutions, such as Kings College London (5 students), St George’s (2 students), University College London (6 students), University of Bristol (6 students), University of Exeter (4 students), University of Liverpool (5 students), University of Manchester (6 students), University of Nottingham (3 students), University of Sheffield (4 students),  University of Southampton (3 students) and many many more.  

While today is about the students, we remain as a school very proud of our academic achievements as a truly  comprehensive school.  29% of all grades were at A*-A, 58% of all grades at A*-B and 81%  of all grades at C or above. These are exceptionally strong results, well above national averages, and are testament to extremely hard work by students and their teachers throughout their time in school. 

The Director of Sixth, Mr Follows said, ‘These are impressive results, I am delighted that the work ethic exhibited by the year group throughout their two year courses has resulted in such delightful outcomes.’ 

Within these results there are many success stories for subjects such as Spanish, Art and Mathematics who had significant proportions of students achieving the very highest grades. Similar success can be found around the school with subjects such as History, English Literature, Graphics, Politics and Chemistry all achieving formidable results against a strong backdrop from all.. 

We wish our outgoing Year 13 nothing but happiness and every success as they embark on the next part of their journey. We toast their academic achievements but also the way in which they applied themselves to  culture, performance, politics and social action. While we are sad they are leaving, we look forward to hearing about the details of those bright futures that lie ahead for them.